Paul Stergiou, Consolidated Edison, New York
“Recent addition of advanced fault location capability has significantly increased the value of these systems, reducing the time required to locate feeder faults at Con Edison by more than one hour.”
PQ Engineer, Major mid-west utility
“Summary on overall partnership with Electrotek as valuable partner and why PQView has saved time and money, could not do his job effectively without it.”
Engineering Team lead, Major Canadian Utility
“PQView saves us hours of valuable time when investigating customer and network Power Quality issues; data that was once attained from numerous cumbersome spreadsheets is now readily available in one database application. PQView reads data from our portable PQ meters, PI servers, ION Enterprise database, and Environment Canada’s weather website. Every new imported waveform from our ION substation meters gets correlated with breaker operations across the province, and PQView calculates a reactance-to-fault from the waveform. It even reads our CYMEDist database to predict the fault location based on actual circuit impedance values.
The backend database, being a simple SQL server, allowed us to create our own custom scripts for populating system event tables with information from our control centre database. So…we now evaluate and compare trend data from numerous sources, our planners can see weather information for load analysis, our PI data archive is far easier to access, we know which breakers operated when we see fault waveforms, we can predict fault locations, and we can find our system operator’s report detailing the reasons for faults, all in just a few minutes.”